Monday, July 26, 2010

And The Beat Goes On

Last Monday's blood test showed R's beta increased to 8,619. More importantly, however, was Thursday's ultrasound because it confirmed cardiac activity. Just in case I wasn't clear enough - a heart beat has been detected!!!

In this ultrasound, two gestation sacs were actually seen. The larger sac was everything you'd expect from a normal, healthy, 6 week - three day old embryo - fetal pole, yolk sac AND cardiac activity. The other gestation sac was empty, earning the medical term "invisible twin" or "disappearing twin". As you can imagine, this was sad news to receive in that Geoff and I were really hoping for twins, but we remain positive because we have a little one who's fighting and has a heartbeat fluttering right this very minute!

Next ultrasound on Thursday, July 29th.


  1. thump - thump
    thump - thump
    thump - thump
    thump - thump

    Fabulous news. Hoping it all goes smoothly for all of you these next 8 months!

  2. AMAZING NEWS, Shan! I am thrilled to read this ... YAY!!!!! Such wonderful news - please do something special to celebrate. You and Geoff have been through so very much and worked so hard, I am just thrilled to read that you have a HEART BEAT!!! x's and o's from the Hathorne Crew.

  3. wonderful, wonderful news. Heartbeat is so exciting. It will beat for another 100 years. Congratulations!

  4. That's absolutely made my day...congratulations!


  5. Wonderful news - picking up a heartbeat at just over 6 weeks is GREAT!!!

  6. Great news. So happy for you guys! :)

  7. Congratulations! That's really fantastic news.

  8. Congratulations brilliant news... fingers crossed for everything...

  9. This is fantastic news.......wishing you all the best as your surrogacy journey continues.

  10. Congrats on reaching an important milestone. Hoping for smooth, uneventful months ahead for you both. Best wishes.

  11. Great news guys!!! Congratulations!!

  12. Hip Hip HURRAY.....
    News like this brings a smile to your face and a warm fuzzy all over!

  13. Heart beat is great news...sorry for your loss of the twin. May the remaining fetus incorporate the strength and love of his/her twin. As you know, I am so happy for you both that you have this little beat to dance to! Insert twirl and a kiss here. Your little "sac" is loved already, by so many!

  14. YAAAAAAAHOOOOO!!!!:) I'm crying again for you both! So happy!! xoxo Love, Krysten

  15. You have a baby coming!!! Fantastic news.
